Friday, June 28, 2013

Teach Her Something...

Last night Casey drew from our "Date Jar"
The Popsicle stick chosen said "Teach Her Something"
After long thinking Casey taught me about the brain.
A little more of what Liams surgery was about and I thought I could share with you.
Now that I have a better understanding.
 If you look at the white arrows. That shows where Liam had his tumor. These are pictures of an adult brain. Liam is a baby so his brain isn't as developed. Those "open/empty" spaces are the ventricles. Liam was blessed that his tumor was in a ventricle. It was attached to the choroid plexus and eyesight part of the brain. So Liam's ventricles are not as small as an adult because they have more space. That was another blessing.
The Pink arrows and circle show where they punctured holes so that the spinal fluid could get through. If you look at the pink circle they punctured a hole between the top two ventricles and from each top ventricle to the third. From my understanding.
The top right picture if you pay attention the blue veins are right above and flow next to where one of the holes was made. The orange circle is the pituitary gland that controls all the hormones. Because Liam had so much fluid it was squishing the pituitary gland and awesomely pushed the brains artery out of the way so that the Neurosurgeon could get to where he needed to puncture the hole.
The green/yellowish arrow shows what is the choroid plexus. This is what was depositing so much spinal fluid. Since Liam had more than he needed the Neurosurgeon cauterized all of that.

And this my friends and family is what procedure was done to Liam. It is known as ETV ( endoscopic third ventriculostomy ) with a CPC ( choroid plexus cauterization ).
Now if someone thinks I said something wrong or I didn't explain it quite right please let me know. If not I will feel very intelligent.
Thank you Casey for teaching me. I had an idea but you made it clearer. That was a great "at-home-date" that I hope I can pass on the knowledge to those who really are interested in what Liam had.

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