Saturday, June 29, 2013

Liam has done better today. 
His neck still hurts when we carry him or move him.
Sneezing would hurt but now it doesn't.
I am not sure why but he is sneezing a lot.
He is becoming more verbal and kicking away.
Last night he was making grandma and mommy laugh because he kept puckering up.
Reminds me of my younger brother.
Hopefully I will catch in on camera sometime.
He even gave us a giggle after I asked if he was getting ready for his first kiss.
He is tracking much better.
So good that he was laying and Casey accidentally hit me with a
pillow and he giggled.
He kept giggling as Casey kept doing it.
Then he began to cry and I couldn't figure what it was until I laid him on his side.
He was just tired of being in that position.
He fell asleep and just kept smiling, even giggled, in his sleep.
I just had to take a picture.
If you are wondering what the orange on his head is, it's the soap they put on for surgery.
We are only allowed to give sponge baths and not touch the area for a little while.
Soon we will be able to wash his hair gently, but no baths or touching in incision area.
Not until we see the Doctor in 2 weeks.
And excuse the girly bedding, he has had some accidents (vomiting) so we were out of his bedding for a while.
Thanks every one who is interested in Liam's health and recovery.
Thank you for your prayers, kindness, love, and support!

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