Friday, June 28, 2013

So I have been trying to figure out what to do. So many I can't decide. Or find.
With everything that Liam has gone through, I have felt the need to serve in some way.
Just recently. About half a year ago. I learned to sew. And about 2 years ago I taught myself to crochet.
While we were in the hospital people made and donated blankets to the children in the hospital. They were even nice enough to give Eliana one.
I have been searching for local groups and haven't found anything yet but I am hoping to soon. If any of you know of any please let me know.
I found this great video of someone who makes super hero capes for little ones that have disabilities and illness and found it to be such a great idea. I may even do the same and donate it them to the hospital that Liam went to. Take a look at Tiny Superheroes!!!
I would love more ideas!

In the meantime if you are interested in donating or learning more here are some of the links that I like to visit every now then.

The National Brain Tumor Society

The Brain Tumor Foundation

Brain Tumor for Kids

America Brain Tumor Association

Children Brain Tumor Foundation

The Hydrocephalus Association

CURE Hydrocephalus

HyFI Hydrocephalus Foundation Inc.

Children's Hydrocephalus Support Group

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