He was really suppose to have it last month but apparently their front desk does not know how to schedule appointments.
They said that they were going to call me and when May came along I tried to schedule and was told someone else would have to call me. The person that is in charge of the scheduling.
I ended up having to call once again last week.
They scheduled me for Tuesday and on Monday his Dr called me saying they scheduled him wrong.

Since Liam was having an MRI it was going to take several hours so we needed a babysitter for Eliana.
A family member lives on our way to SLC and she volunteered to watch over her.
After dropping her off we headed to the hospital.
Sedation was planned for 10:30 am so that the MRI could take place an hour later.
While we waited Liam was asleep.
I don't know if it's me but he seems sleepier than normal.
I think I'm just ready for him to go through surgery.
I haven't been given a for sure but as a mom I just know.
My poor baby boy.
I am not sure if the technician was new or what but Liam already has problems with technicians finding his veins and actually getting the IVs in right.
She was struggling and he was crying.
Tears were just filling my eyes.
I was about to ask for someone else when they went to find someone better who was able to get the IV in less than a minute.
While they went to get her I could hear him asking for me so I took him into my arms.
I wanted to cry because for the first time he looked into my eyes for what seemed a long time.
He just stared and calmed down as I looked at him and repeated "You're ok little man."
Finally after the IV was in we went to the MRI place and sat as we waited for his nurse or someone.
I just sang his and Eliana's favorite primary song "My Heavenly Father Loves Me."

Casey and I just went out and about until it was time for us to come back 2 hours later.
We actually got them a little gift.
We had to wake him but he didn't want to.
I believe he was thinking "Hey I am finally getting some sleep without Eliana around, you are not about to wake me up!!"

At the Oncologist his Oncologist was out of town so we had other Dr.s come in. We knew them as well so they weren't knew to Liam's case.
They told us the MRI looked great. No sign of any tumor. So nothing has returned BUT...
Yes here it comes what I suspected.
....Liams ventricles are much larger than when he had the CT Scan and even the Sonogram.
So they called Liam's Neurosurgeon and let him know about the MRI and they would talk about it over the weekend.
I was ready to go home and pack for Monday.
Monday he has the appointment with his Neurosurgeon and Tuesday he is already scheduled for surgery.
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