Thursday, December 5, 2013


Ok Ok
I am sorry I have not given an update on Liam.
Trust me I have been super busy.
I won't give you all the details about my schedule but here is a little about what has been going with Mr. Liam
So I think the last time I posted I told you Liam was rolling.
At this point it is ONLY when he wants.
It's usually when Eliana is around swinging things, throwing things, yelling.
The usual.
 Liam had his one year Dr appointment.
I'd tell you his percentages but I can't remember.
His head is obviously 100.
His weight was somewhere in the 60's
And height in the higher 90's.
 He was not happy with his shots.
But who is?
 They had a nice little section that was suppose to entertain Eliana and did a terrible job at it.
 Liam's been better at holding his bottles.
Plastic is much nicer to him now, apparently.
 Liam also just started new Physical Therapy.
He did a great job for his first day.
 My mom also gave him therapies
which has helped with his neck and holding his head up a little better.
 As you can see in the pictures below
he is doing much better with sitting.
Here he is throwing his new Christmas gift Snoopy all over the place.
 Here he is smiling because he is chewing on that blanket like it's no one's business.
 He is holding rattles much better and for longer periods of time.
Which is awesome.
 He has also been talking a lot.
He likes to copy sounds we make.
While my entire family sat at the table Liam turned towards Casey
he then repeated Eliana saying "Hi Dad!"
We were shocked.
As you can imagine.
We were told because of his sight impairment he would not be able to look at us and repeat words like other children, but he would be able to repeat just from sound.
We were quite impressed and knew Eliana would be a big help.
He also tries to wave.
 If I ask him to say hi to daddy he will immediately try to find him by his voice and will try to wave.
He also said "Awesome." And "Chacha"
Below is his Vision Therapist.
She was here today.
He is already doing better holding his head up during tummy time.

Below is his Occupational Therapist.
She was here today as well.
Here I called Liam and he slowly turned to me.
His head bobbed a little at first but he got it around.
She was NOT holding his head or helping him with it.
It didn't last super long but it is something.

 Here she is trying to get him to look at himself.
He did alright.

Liam's progress is slow but we are taking it a day at a time.
We are in no rush for him to do everything.
He has been through a lot.
He is a fighter and he keeps fighting.
His work is double that of a baby his age.
But he is doing it and with a smile on his face.
We would not trade him for any other child.
He is our motivation.
He gives his everything every day, every minute, every smile.
He had to have gotten it from his parents right?
So we too, must give our all.
He is our strength.
Great job little man!

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