In the last month I haven't been able to update the blog.
But I am back.
So here is the update.
The last time Liam was beginning to roll.
I think he has decided to take a little break from that.
On August 13 Liam had another EEG testing.
This time I wasn't able to go because we didn't have a babysitter for Eliana .
I stayed home with Eliana while Casey went with Liam.
As you can see that cute look on his face.
He was happy it was over and knows that he has a pretty awesome hair do.
We didn't find out about the results until a week later.
This EEG test was done because he was having spasms and was put on a steroid treatment for two weeks.
If nothing showed up we are to wean him off the medication.
We cannot believe how time flies so fast.
It feels like it was just yesterday that our poor baby was in surgery.
6 months later and a big boy
we can't believe how blessed we are to have a fighter in our home.
He brings us so much joy.
Joy that only he brings.
Each child brings their own kind of joy.
Sweet sweet boy.
Beautiful and soft smile.
Heavy and strong.
Our Gentle Giant.
Smiling and giggling even during trials.
August 16
We had his 9 month check up.
No shots. HURRAY!
Head is obviously over the normal.
Weight : 21.7 lbs (just a little over sister)
Height: 30 in
We obviously know he is developmentally impaired but other than that he is still one healthy handsome baby.
We started to sit him up against the couch and any place that we can.
We normally wedge him.
Here is a pic of the first time in the bumbo.
He can't hold his head up but Casey is helping him with that.
Other than that he was enjoying a different view from laying on his back, side, and stomach.
August 19
Liam had his visit with his Neurologist.
We were going to hear about the EEG results and what was next.
So they checked his vitals and head circumference.
They EEG Test was normal.
He responded well to the steroid treatment and since the two weeks were up he had us wean him off the steroids and just watch him.
The Dr. said that Liams head was now bigger and that it was something that worried him.
He contacted Liams Neurosurgeon and we scheduled an appointment with his Neurosurgeon.
I don't get a feeling something wrong is happening.
I actually think Neurology is measuring wrong and that Liam's head is changing shape and that is probably what is affecting the measurements.
His first taste he made a funny face but he got over it soon.
In fact, the first day he wouldn't take milk for hours.
He would even get angry if we didn't put it in his mouth fast enough.
He favors the fruits.
But he does like sweet potatoes.
We started feeding him on the couch and then moved him to a high chair that leans back further than Eliana's high chair.
He is getting better at understanding what he is suppose to do with the food.
He use to keep the food in his mouth and talk until the food went to the back of his throat and realized he needed to swallow it.
Now he actually tries to taste and chew it a bit.
Plays with the food with his tongue.
We took Liam to his first baseball game.
It was a fundraiser for the Brain Injury Association.
He did a great job sitting up in the back seat of the stroller.
I helped by putting my hand on his chest so he wouldn't fall forward or to the side.
It also helped with keeping his posture up.
Since his head is heavy he pushed his chest forward and his head falls back.
Uncomfortable for him.
He stayed for only minutes, but hey it's something.
Since Liam's Neurologist contacted Neurosurgery
Liam had an appointment with Imaging and his Neurosurgeon.
He did a great job getting his ultrasound.
It felt like the Dr was taking forever to come talk to us.
I must admit that even if I didn't have a bad feeling about this appointment, it still made me anxious.
I just want the nightmare to be over.
If Liam's head IS growing, that means he get the shunt for sure.
The little tube from the brain to the stomach.
Thanks lady.
I tried not to say something back or make a face.
Just smiled.
Kind of.
When the Neurosurgeon finally came in he began to ask if we had seen his behavior change.
Sleeps too much?
The usual we have to watch out for.
But we had not seen any sign.
He felt his soft spot and proceeded to say it felt great.
In the past his soft spot felt great and still wasn't doing well.
It was beginning to worry me.
He apologized because we had to drive to Salt Lake but to us, we don't live far and we don't mind especially with Liam's history.
He didn't see anything wrong and said Liam's head was NOT growing.
So he kept measuring to try to figure out why Neurology was getting different measurement of Liam's head circumference.
When he finally found it he said Neurology was measuring in the wrong spot and because his head is changing shape, that is where it was coming from.
He sent an email to neurology telling the correct way to measure his head.
I was right.
If I am confusing you, Liam's head gets measure in mm with a tape around his head (head circumference).
It is suppose to be measured around the head at the forehead and the occipital bone.
Neurology was measuring straight around the forehead and the parietal bone.
He also told us that from now on we had to become Nazi parents about Liam sleeping, laying, and spending most of his time on his stomach.
That night we began to put Liam on his stomach.
We fought.
When he couldn't win.
He just passed out.
For those who noticed and those who didn't....
I just realized that Liam is always wearing blue.
He has plenty of clothes but blue is my favorite color and marvel heroes.
For some reason I only take pictures when he wears blue.
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