Thursday, July 4, 2013

4th of July

It's July 4 and Liam has been shooting some fireworks... no joke.
He is pretty pleased with himself.

We sat Liam up for the first time this week. Casey did.
He did a great job trying to keep himself positioned but we still have to work on it.
Slow and steady wins the race.
He gets so excited when he hears Eliana's voice.
He is kicking like he is running like the wind.
He loves playing with his tongue and making all kinds of sounds.
Something that he didn't do before.
He still has the cutest giggle.
Sometimes he likes to just sit and think.
I would like to get into his mind and see what runs through it.
I am guessing that he likes hide-and-seek because every time I pop out of nowhere he gets so excited.
I love seeing that cute and huge smile.
He kind of reminds me of baby daffy duck.

During the hospital stay after surgery
Perhaps during surgery...
Liam broke 2 bottom teeth through
and his top two are coming in.
Poor guy looks like he going to have a gap.
He is still such a cutie.

I'll have to post Liam in his 4th of July suit later.

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