We moved mid January and we were full of appointments for Liam.
He was due for a MRI but we moved before we could get one.
So here is a small January review.
The first couple of weeks Liam had a couple of appointments at the Pediatrics Rehab with Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy.
I was only able to make it to one because I wasn't feeling to well.
Liam has done a better job with supported sitting.
He doesn't to be in as much pain as before.
They were surprised every time with his progression.
Slow but it is definitely progress.
They strapped Liam to a chair. This was the first time he ever did anything like this.
It didn't last very long but it was longer than I thought he would last.
He also had a sword fight with Eliana, with a little help.
But it was something they both enjoyed very much.
I am sure you can see it in his face.
Liam enjoyed more play. He likes being lifted up and down. Something that I am sure Casey is happy about this because he does it to him constantly.
On the 10th Liam had a last appointment with Ophthalmology. Nothing has changed. Glasses won't help just helping him adjust and use the vision he has.
The most thing that worried me about January was our move. Traveling with Liam would be a struggle. He did well for the first 8 hours. After that it became difficult but we survived.