I can't exactly remember the last time I updated ya'll but it was for sure before the new member arrived.
The last month of my pregnancy we noticed a difference in Liam. He became very fussy. Middle of the night wakings and he would wake up screaming. Inconsolable crying. Feedings were hard. We thought that it was possible that it was my pregnancy but a part of me thought maybe he was having some seizure activity that we weren't seeing. He had some teeth coming in so it was another possibility. Then one night in June he was running a fever. He began vomiting. It was happening again. Then we saw seizures. At least what we thought were seizures. We ended up taking to Children's Hospital ER. The other two kids as well as the grandmas joined in on the fun. He had a CT Scan done. Not gonna lie, I was getting worried. Everything looked normal though. There was no sign of any sort of infection so he was just given some Tylenol and were told to up his medication and call the Neurologist. Besides being lethargic he seemed better after that. The next day we called Neurologist who said to go back to his normal dosage. Once we did they started up again. Once again we called Neurology and they uped his medication and has done great since then. Since then he has been a different baby. He is much happier too. Since he wasn't feeling to well he regressed. He was doing better with solids and now he is back to stage 2 gerber foods. During that week he wouldn't eat though we had to feed him Pedialyte to keep him hydrated. Though he regressed in eating, he is progressing physically. He has come such a long way.
He has since started Visual Therapy and he loves them. They are two older ladies and they are great with him. They are impressed with how much he has progressed even from the time they started in May to what he does today.
He had an appointment with Ophthalmology in June. Everything looks the same so they have decided that Liam is in need of eye surgery. They will be operating on the eye muscle so that he can use them together. There is a percentage of children that require a second surgery or more. It is an outpatient surgery so he will come home the same day. We haven't talked about what day just yet until we talk to Oncology and Neurosurgery so that we can get an OK from them.
He was also referred to an Orthopedic to get his back checked. His Dr was worried that he may have the beginnings of sclerosis. He had an x-ray done but she said his back was straight. She just wants to see him in a year to make sure it is still straight because it could develop into sclerosis especially with the size of his head and the weight. She also mentioned he would most likely need leg braces in the future and she referred him to Physical Therapy. So we should be hearing from them soon.
His pediatrician also referred him to Gastrointestinal. He and Eliana have some really bad re-flux. They ordered form a swallow test. So we should also be hearing from them soon.
He recently had an MRI done. We get results this coming Thursday but since we haven't received a phone call it should be normal. During this MRI he also had a hearing test done that needed to be done while he was asleep. At first I was scared because it took about 3 hours and someone came out to talk to us. It was about the hearing test. She told us his hearing seemed normal.
Liam is growing. He is getting heavier and the stroller is no longer all that great for him. I did not think of it before but his Occupational Therapist has helped us getting him some equipment ordered. We are in the waiting process of getting approved by his insurance. So we are waiting for a bath chair, a wheel chair, and standing frame. We had to pick everything to the color. Who knew color picking was harder than thinking about your child using a wheelchair. Anyways I didn't think I would ever say it but it's true, we are excited to be getting this equipment. Not only will it make it easier for us in a way but he will be more comfortable in these than going about the day the best way we can for now. If that made sense.

Liam has been trying to be more verbal. He still uses his sign language skills but is far more verbal. He even fights his sister for toys. He says "I wawa" when he wants something. He says "Ah" with mouth wide open during feedings for more. Or he will try and say "Mo" for more. Pretty sure we have heard him say "Ada" for Adam. He says "no" and says "dadadadada"

He is beginning to pick up anything that is near him even if he drops it because he didn't like the texture.
He is starting to take just about everything to his mouth. Usually you tell kids not to do that but in this case it is something we cheer for.
He still doesn't sit on his own but he can sit for longer periods of time and with less support.

He loves the color red. During feedings we are not allowed to use a red spoon. He will fight you until it is in his hand. Can't even use an orange spoon. Blue is best. He even tries to make the motion of feeding himself. He has actually taken the spoon to his mouth.

He still doesn't enjoy tummy time but he can lift his head while on his stomach and wont fight it as much.
Rolling over isn't 100% done but he is getting there. When he wants to, that is.
He enjoys time on the bumbo a large part of the day.
His new favorite toy is a phone he got for Christmas last year. It plays several songs including the alphabet. Sometimes he will put it to his ear and at times he falls asleep with it on his chest.
And he loves his Abuelitos, as well as his uncles and tios.
Seems like he is progressing now that he knows he has someone that will be looking up to him. Even if hasn't quite warmed up all the way. We know he loves his little brother.